Natalie Hall

“Like many Australians, Steve and I donate to a small number of organisations. Whilst we would like to support all causes, having only a limited budget for donations means we have to pick the ones we are most drawn to. We particularly like those that are striving to improve the lives of everyday people through practical assistance and/or ground-breaking research. These are the fundamental goals of the Woolcock Institute and why we like being involved with them. How many people do you know that have asthma, respiratory complications, allergies, insomnia or sleep apnoea? If you had to use your fingers to count the number of people who you know personally, no doubt you’d run out of hands. The Woolcock Institute’s team of researchers, professors, PhD students, doctors and clinicians are dedicated to discovering cures for – if not the prevention of – these conditions which affect millions of Australians every day. Not only that, they are helping people to manage their conditions through their working clinics which anybody can access.

Knowing that our donation is ultimately helping people to have healthier, happier lives is why we continue to support the Woolcock year after year.”